How do you achieve high grades? What form of education suits highly academic students who are looking to enter top universities? What do we need to offer to give our students the edge? These are questions we ask every day at Cardiff Sixth Form College. Like our students, we work hard at our studies. We analyse our classes and teaching styles, constantly aiming for excellence. It is always possible to improve – there is a science to teaching. By evaluating the details of education, large and small, we continually strive to provide the best possible atmosphere for our students to pursue their ambitions.
Every school needs a culture and here at Cardiff Sixth Form College our culture is one of innovation. Unlike traditional boarding schools which rely on long histories and heritage, here at Cardiff we look forward. We want to build for the future and lead standards by which all schools should be judged. Our results, the quality of our university destinations and our award winning pastoral care and careers provision show we are already on the way…